USD$65 (L or M Type)
The sebum secretion is surplus, dry skin, pressure and so on, can harass skin metabolism, brings about the pimple and acne problem. Promotion version Clear Series contains natural Chinese plant essence, coordinate with patent union lock-water formula and brand-new Clear Smooth ingredient, eliminates the plump cutin, nurses the dark sore, pimple and acne perspectives.

第1步: Clear Wash
●重整肌膚健康成份 = 甘草精華
第3步: CLear Moisture
L type - Oily to Normal Skin
M type - Normal to Dry Skin
The sebum secretion is surplus, dry skin, pressure and so on, can harass skin metabolism, brings about the pimple and acne problem. Promotion version Clear Series contains natural Chinese plant essence, coordinate with patent union lock-water formula and brand-new Clear Smooth ingredient, eliminates the plump cutin, nurses the dark sore, pimple and acne perspectives.

Step 1: Oil Cut Clear Wash
The brand-new Mild Clean Powder implicate cordate houttuynia essence, which has antibacterial effect, clean excess oil, dirt and the obsolete cutin clearly, skin becomes smooth and flesh.
Implication repair and maintenance pimple and acne function, Chinese plant essence, rapid seepage to each cutin cell, irrigation abundant moisture.
Forms the moisturizer thin layer on the skin, prevents the moisture outflow effectively, locks the moisture which problem skin lacks to nourish thoroughly, skin becomes young and fresh-looking.
皮脂分泌過剩、肌膚缺水、壓力等,都會擾亂肌膚的新陳代謝,引致暗瘡爆發。升級版Clear Series蘊含天然和漢植物精華,配合專利結合鎖水配方及全新Clear Smooth成份,清除肥厚角質,從多角度護理暗瘡、痘印。
第1步: Clear Wash
蘊含蕺菜精華的全新Mild Clean Powder,具抗菌功效,能温和潔淨油脂污垢及老舊角質,潔面後肌膚柔滑清爽。
●重整肌膚健康成份 = 甘草精華
●輔助潔淨成份=全新Mild Clean Powder (蕺菜及植物纖維等製成的粉體)
●Moist Barrier配方
第2步: Clear Lotion
●重整角質補濕成份=Clear Smooth成份
●Moist Barrier配方
第3步: CLear Moisture
●重整角質補濕成份=Clear Smooth成份
●保護肌膚保濕成份=透明質酸‧Moist Barrier配方